T. Suchkova-Ladik
Experienced in Business, Technology, Media, Public Activities, managing NGOs and media companies, cooperation with governmental institutions in Ukraine
Since Sept., 2011 - Director, Atasov Film Travel, specialized in documentary filmmaking to spotlight the important historic and modern time agendas and helping broad audiences better understand them, and in development of feature film projects, with main focus on culture, history, human heritage, regional science, social issues, and general science. Over 100 documentary films produced over the past 4 years (See Our Projects)
Mar. 2011-Dec. 2018: The Head of NGO "Dytynstvo" ("Childhood"): charity actions for kids in 24 regions of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of IT and Ministry of Culture of Ukraine; documentary filmmaking focused on protection of children, publishing books for the fundraising for a girl called Alina who had problems with her eyes, two times a yer exhibition of the artworks of the most talented kids with awards from the sponsors; the Annual Concert "The Fest of the Kids' Dreams."
Sep. 2013-Jul 2023: The Head of NGO "The Parade of Cultures": Events organization and management aimed at national dialogue through cultural exchange; over 20 conferences and over 50 articles; Kyiv Day organization on Sophia's Square and Obolon' Riverbank (Parade of cultures)
1998-2002: Paralegal in international cases in the Arbitration Court of Kyiv
2019-2022: European University of Finance, Management and Business (Finances,) Kyiv National University of Culture (Culture and Arts, Audiovisual Art and Production.)
Kyiv, Ukraine
Ukrainian, Russian - native
German - B2
French - B1
English - A2
team management and motivation, long-term strategy planning and change adaptation, negotiations with all parties involved, key data accession and decision-making, risk management, understanding the financial side of the creative businesses, ability to develop innovative solutions.
Human development, human rights activism.